How-to: Remote debug a Java-Service
How-To: How-To: Remote Debug A Java-Service
A IDE with remote debugging capabilities. For the purpose of this guide, we shall use the IntelliJ IDE from Jetbrains.
How-To: How-To: Remote Debug A Java-Service
A IDE with remote debugging capabilities. For the purpose of this guide, we shall use the IntelliJ IDE from Jetbrains.
From Monolith To Microservices.
In a world of development, we were once building large monolithic applications, capable of performing all the tasks required to do the intended job.
15. Limit Accessibility To Classes And Members
Generally, any class or member of a class should have the lowest possible access level, which still allows for its functionality to work.
API Example:
Take the case of an externally exposed API, where the interface represents all public accessible methods. Any implementation of this interface should only have public access level on the implemented methods.
The additional members of the implementing class should never be made public. Ideally private or package-private if required for unit testing.
In the case of the exposed API, any publicly available member of the implementation will have to be supported forever, if they have once been published. If members are degraded to a lower access level, it will ruin the API’s backwards compatibility.
The Adapter Pattern is a simple, yet convenient, utility, which you will most certainly find good use of.
The pattern uses and interface and its implementation to create a layer around another object, which then allows the behavior of the object to be converted into a desired form.
As arguably the most popular creational design pattern, the factory pattern provides guidelines for how to flexibly and conveniently create different objects with the same method, by only changing the method’s argument. Utilizing the factory pattern in the creation of objects allows all complexities of the creation to be hidden away. Simultaneously the factory can be designed to create any variation of an object, as long as all objects extend from the same super-class.
I have now for more than a month worked remotely while traveling to multiple locations around the world and have through this experience learned a thing or two of how to adapt to this sort of situation.
It has been a long time since I developed my own home project. Actually, the last project I developed was a quiz application for my friends and me.