Mutation Testing
Mutation testing is a way of testing software with the intention of creating bugs in the code and verifying that the test suites catch the bug.
Mutation testing is a way of testing software with the intention of creating bugs in the code and verifying that the test suites catch the bug.
Your Code as a Crime Scene (Affliate Link) is essentially a book about utilization of version control systems (VCS) to analyze and determine hotspots in the codebase.
The Facade Pattern is based on the concept of simplifying activities. It allows us to wrap complex procedures in a facade class and afterwards utilize these procedures by one simple method call. For this reason it is categorized as a structural design pattern.
The Command Pattern uses an object to represent a method (aka command), which can be call upon later by an invoker. This means that it will be possible to send methods around the system and call upon them whenever they are needed.
The reasoning for using the Decorator Pattern is to obtain the advantages of class inheritance within a dynamic context. (aka. at runtime.) This allow objects to add and remove additional features while the program is running instead of specifically declaring it when the program compiles.
Goodbye India! – Is Working Remotely Beneficial?
Last week I wrote my cultural evaluation of the past six month, where I have been working remotely from India.
B.E.S.T. is the abbreviation of the four main requirements which should be fulfilled before taking a pull request onto a code review.
Behold! Yet another developer joined the club of “clean coders”! …Or at least gotten through the well-known book Clean Code by Robert C. Martin aka. Uncle Bob.